Programme 2009

Bedfordshire Centre for Mental Health Research
in association with University of Cambridge


Cambridge/Luton International Conference on Mental Health 2009 
Thursday 19th November 2009
Clinical School, University of Cambridge

0815-0905    Conference opening/Registration/Posters
0905-0915    Welcome & opening remarks - Professor Patrick Sissons (Regius Professor of Physics, University of Cambridge)
Dr Rashid Zaman, Dr Mark Agius, Prof Peter Jones

Keynote Speech

0915-0955    Thomas Frodl [Ireland] Neuroscience and Depression

Symposium - Bipolar Disorders: Neuroscience (Chair: Prof Paykel & TBA)

0955-1015    Luchezar G. Hranov [Bulgaria] Do neurons have mood and how can they be stabilised?
1015-1030    Graham Murray [UK] FMRI, Reward Mechanisms and Dopamine
1030-1050    Peter Pregl [Slovenia] Genetics of Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder
1050-1105    Mark Agius, Jean Lee, David Wotherspoon [UK] Is there a biological basis to the Bipolar Spectrum?

1105-1135 Coffee

Symposium - Bipolar Disorders: Clinical Delivery (Chair: Prof Paykel & TBA)

1135-1155    Nicholas Zdanowicz [Belgium] Bipolar Disorder in Adolescents
1155-1215    Giuseppe Tavormina [Italy] Temperaments in Bipolar Disorders
1215-1245    Martha Sajatovic [USA] Targeted Training in Illness Management (TTIM) for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

1245-1415 Lunch/Poster 

Symposium - War & PTSD (Chair: Mark Agius & TBA)

1415-1515    Walter Busuttil [UK] Treating British Army Veterans
1515-1545    Sladjana Ivezic [Croatia] Psychosis and PTSD, lessons of a war
1545-1605    Ivan Urlic [Croatia] Developing a PTSD treatment centre in Dalmatia

2000- Dinner


Cambridge/Luton International Conference on Mental Health 2009
Friday 20th November 2009 
Clinical School, University of Cambridge

Symposium - Immunology and Psychiatry (Chair: TBA & TBA)

0900-0920    Norbert Moller [Germany] Role of the immune system in Schizophrenia & Depression
0920-0940    Hemmo Dexage [Netherlands] The Kraepelinian dichotomy: an immunologist’s view
0940-1000    Aye Mu Myint [Germany] Immune system and tryptophan metabolism interaction: pathophysiological role in Depression and Schizophrenia

1000-1030 Coffee

Keynote Speech

1030-1105    Georg Northoff [Canada] Is schizophrenia a disorder of the self? Abnormal attunement & neuronal contextualization: A neurophenomenal hypothesis

Symposium - Neuroimaging and TMS (Chair: TBA & TBA)

1105-1135    Eva Meisenzahl [Germany] Neuroimaging in Schizophrenia; from basic science to clinical neurodiagnostics.
1135-1205    Jiri Horacek [Czech Republic] The ins and outs of Ketamine model of schizophrenia qEEG and FMRI study in healthy volunteers
1205-1225    Rashid Zaman [UK] TMS in Psychoses
1225-1250    Martin Brunovsky [Czech Republic] Early reduction in prefrontal theta QEEG cordance in the prediction of antidepressant treatment in pharmaco-resistant patients

1250-1400 Lunch/Posters

Satellite Symposium - Sharing Care with Primary Care (Chair: TBA & TBA)

1310-1340    Linda Gask [UK] Collaborative care with GPs
1340-1400    Zoltan Rhimer [Hungary] / Mark Agius [UK] Training GPs to Prevent Suicide

Keynote Speech

1400-1430    Ed Bullmore [UK] Brain Networks in Schizophrenia

Symposium - Schizophrenia/Psychoses (Chair: TBA & TBA)

1430-1500    Peter Jones [UK] Epidemiology of Psychosis
1500-1515    Anton Grech [Malta] Epidemiology of Psychosis in Malta
1515-1530    Alina Borkowska [Poland] The association between psychopathoplogical symptoms using PANNS and neurocognitive domains in 1200 patients treated with Olanzapine

1530-1600 Coffee 

Keynote Speech

1600-1650    Juan Lopez Ibor [Spain] How delusions are formed

Symposium - Schizophrenia/Psychoses Treatments (Chair: TBA & TBA)

1650-1710    Koksal Alpetkin [Turkey] What did results of meta-analytic and follow up studies tell us? Can we treat Schizophrenia successfully?
1720-1735    Eva Palova [Slovakia] Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Schizophrenia – 1,5 year follow-up
1735-1755    TK Larsen [Norway] Primary vs Secondary Prevention Studies; experiences from Norway and Denmark; TIPS and TOP

2000- Conference Dinner (Murray Edwards College; formerly New Hall College)



Cambridge/ Luton International Conference on Mental Health 2009 
Saturday 21st November 2009
Clinical School, University of Cambridge

Symposium - Medical Students and Psychiatry (Chair: Peter Jones & TBA)

0930-0950    Dinesh Bhugra [UK] Teaching Medical Students Psychiatry in England
0950-1000    Mark Agius/Rashid Zaman[UK] Teaching Medical Students in Bedford; encouraging research.
1000-1020    Michael Gilholey, Abi Davis [UK] The Student’s point of view
1020-1035    David Cassar/Anton Grech [Malta] Teaching Medical Students clinical skills in Psychiatry in Malta

Keynote Speech (The Robin Pinto Lecture)

1035-1115    Patrick McGorry [Australia] Early Intervention in Psychosis
1115-1140    Coffee/Posters

Symposium - First Episode Studies (Chair: TBA & TBA)

1140-1155    Yuliya Zaytseva [Russia] Efficacy of an Integrated Long-Term Program of management of patients after First Psychotic Episode in 5-Year follow-up
1155-1210    Mark Agius, Chris Kelly [UK] Meta-analysis of Prodrome studies and First Episode Studies
1210-1225    Bent Rosenbaum [Denmark] Danish National Schizophrenia Project Update

Symposium - Mental Health issues in UK South Asians (Chair: Gurprit Pannu & TBA)

1225-1255    Dinesh Bhugra [UK] Transcultural Psychiatry in South Asians
1255-1310    Rashid Zaman/James Russell [UK] Mental health issues in UK South Asians
1310-1320    Rashid Zaman/Mark Agius/Peter Jones [UK] Summary & closure