Programme 2011


Thursday 8th September 2011 
Cancer Research UK, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s site
0815 - 0910 Conference opening/Registration/Posters
0910 - 0920 Welcome & opening remarks 
Dr Rashid Zaman, Dr Mark Agius, Prof Peter Jones and Dr Patrick Geoghegan
Keynote Speech (Chair: Mark Agius)
0920 - 0955 Prof. Cyril Hoschl [Czech Rep. Ex-President EPA] The Use of Placebos in Psychiatry 
The Robin Pinto lecture
Symposium: Bipolar Disorders: Neuroscience (Chair: Rashid Zaman & Mark Agius)
0955 - 1020 Prof. Thomas Frodl [Ireland] Neuroimaging of Mood Disorders
1020 - 1035 Dr Peter Pregelj [Slovenia] Gene/Environment interactions in Bipolar Disorder
1035 - 1050 Dr Giuseppe Tavormina [Italy] Somatic symptoms and the Bipolar Spectrum
1050 - 1105 Jasmine Ho and Saurabh Singh [Cambridge, UK] Treating Affective mixed states
1105 - 1140 Coffee
Symposium: OCD & PTSD (Chair: Giuseppe Tavormina & Mark Agius)
1135 - 1145 Dr Don Servant [Bedford UK] Audit of OCD in a typical British CMHT
1145 - 1155 Laura Darby [Cambridge UK] Comorbidity of OCD and Bipolar Disorder in a CMHT
1155 - 1215 Prof Eva Palova [Kosice,Slovakia] Commorbidity of Personality Disorders and OCD
1215 - 1400 Lunch/Posters
Symposium: PTSD (Chair: Mark Agius & Dr Najim Hallme)
1400 - 1415 Emily Middleton [Cambridge UK] Audit of PTSD Patients in a CMHT
1415 – 1445 Samar Musmar [Nablus ] PTSD in Palestine
 14.45- 15.10  Dr Anne Lindhardt [Denmark] Development of National mental health service in Denmark: Implications for treatment of schizophrenia
1930 Conference Dinner: Sidney Sussex College


Friday 9th September 2011 
Cancer Research UK, University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s site
Symposium: Schizophrenia 1 (Chair: Dr Pauline Roberts & Dr Jesus Perez)
0900 – 0920 Dr Krzystof  Krysta [Poland] Cognition in Dual Diagnosis
0920 – 0940 Dr James Kirkbride [Cambridge UK] Increased referral to Early Intervention Services
0940 – 1000 Andreas Hagianicolau [Cambridge] and Mark Agius [Bedford] Six year Outcomes in Early Intervention in Psychosis
1000 – 1015 Dr Rashid Zaman – [Cambridge/Bedford] Exercise helps Depression: Neurobiology
Keynote Speech (Chair: Rashid Zaman)
1015 – 1050 Prof. Peter Jones [Cambridge, UK] The impact of Research
1050 – 1120 Coffee
Symposium: Schizophrenia 2 (Chair: Dr Rob MacInnes & Dr Thilak Ratnayake)
1120 – 1140 Dr Barbara Bavdaz [Italy] Developing An Early Intervention in Psychosis service in Trieste
1140 – 1155 Dr Anton Grech [Malta] Genes/Environment interaction in the aetiology psychosis
1155 – 1210 Prof. Koksal Alptekin [Turkey] Social cognition in schizophrenia
Keynote Speech (Chair: Thomas Frodl)
1210 - 1240 Prof Eva Meisenzahl [Germany] Neuroimaging of Schizophrenia 
1240 - 1400 Lunch/ Posters
Satellite Symposium (Sponsored by Lilly)
1300 – 1400 Opportunities & Challenges in the Treatment of Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
1300 - 1305 Registration
1305 - 1315 Welcome and Introduction - Prof. Cornelius Katona, University College, London
1315 – 1355 Making the Most of our Existing Antidepressants: Starting, Switching and Stopping – Prof. Christopher Hawley, University of Hertfordshire (UK)
1355-1400 Questions & Discussion
Symposium: Immunology and Depression 1 (Chair: Mark Agius and Nicholas Zdanowicz)
1400 - 1430 Prof. Norbert Muller [Germany] Immunomodulation as a therapeutic approach in treatment of Major Depression
1430 - 1445 Dr A M Myint [Germany] Gene -Biochemical interaction on immune - neurochemical systems in Mood Disorders
1445 – 1500 Dr J Steiner [Germany] Structural and morphological aspect of immune - kynurenines changes in suicidal patients with Mood Disorders
Keynote Speech (Chair: AM Myint)
1500 - 1530 Dr Carmine Pariante [London, IOP, UK] Neurogenesis and Depression.
1530 - 1600 Coffee
Symposium: Immunology and Depression & Psychosis 2 (Chair: Carmine Pariente and Norbert Muller)
1600 - 1615 Dr M Mühlbacher [Austria] Biochemical and immune parameters changes in different phases of Bipolar Disorder
1615 - 1630 Dr V Bergink [Netherlands] Monocyte mRNA signature on inflammatory response system in post - partum psychosis progressing to bipolar disorder
1630 - 1645 Dr Ben Baig [Edinburgh, UK] Relationship between Depression and Crohn’s Disease
2000 Dinner (Trinity Hall speakers only)


Saturday 10th September 2011 
Cancer Research UK, University of Cambridge
Keynote Speech (Chair: Mark Agius)
0930 - 1000 Prof. Zoltan Rhimer [Hungary] Suicidality and Bipolar Disorder 
Symposium – Neuroscience (Chair: Prof Pradeep Nathan & Prof Chris Baeken)
1000 - 1015 Dr Vera Bubenikova - Valesova, Jana Puskarcikova, Jiri Horacek [Czech Republic] The effect of tandospirone on expression of NMDA receptor subunits and cognitive function.
1015 - 1035 Prof. Jiri Horacek, Jaroslav Flegr, Filip Spaniel, Tomas Novak, Tomas Palenicek, Vera Valesova [Czech Republic] Latent toxoplasmosis reduces gray matter density in schizophrenia but not in controls
1035 - 1100 Alex Kershaw [UK]Cambridge Bipolar Survey
1100 - 1125 Coffee
Symposium – Belgian Symposium (Chair: Prof N Zdanowicz, Prof C Baeken )
1125 - 1150 Prof. N. Zdanowicz [Belgium] Prediction of Health and Service Development
1150 – 1205 Dr S Herremans [Belgium ] The influence of one right-sided prefrontal HF-rTMS session on alcohol craving: preliminary results of a naturalistic study
1205 - 1220 Prof Chris Baeken – [Belgium] Lateralized effects of one dorsolateral prefrontal HF - rTMS session on approach and withdrawal related emotional neuronal processes 
1220 - 1240 Prof Ph de Timary [Belgium] Several lines of evidence may explain the difficulty of access to treatment of alcohol - dependent subjects
1240 - 1300 Dr D. Jacques [Belgium] - Simultaneous tobacco and alcohol withdrawal: intensity of withdrawal symptoms and clinical consequences
1300 – 1400 Lunch/Posters
Symposium - Telemedicine and Information Technology  (Chair: Mark Agius)
1400-1430 Dr Davor Mucic [Denmark] Telemedicine in Psychiatry
1430 - 1500 Dr F Spaniel [Czech Republic] ITAREPS Preventing Schizophrenia Relapse by information Technology.
Symposium: Attracting Medical students/new doctors into Psychiatry (Chair: Dr Hugo de Waal)
1500 - 1520 Dr Boris Jankov [UK] Training at St Andrews Healthcare 
Dr A Metastasio [UK] Mentoring Scheme
1520 - 1530 Dr Rashid Zaman [Cambridge/Bedford] Attracting Undergraduates and Postgraduates to Psychiatry
1530 - 1700 International Competition: Best oral presentation by medical students & foundations doctors. Each presentation 10 minutes.
1700 Conference Summary and Closure

Conference Location
Cancer Research UK,
University of Cambridge, Addenbrooke’s Hospital site
Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QQ, 


  • Ely Lilly
  • Janssen-Cilag
  • Lundbeck
  • Pfizer
  • Wesleyan Medical Sickness
  • St Andrew's Health Care
  • Ectron
  • Free University of Brussels
  • Catholic University of Louvein

We thank our Sponsors and invite you to visit the trade exhibition on site.

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