Feedback 2013

Q responses
1 Full Name
Left Blank 0
User entered value 133
Average submission length in words (ex blanks) 2.39
2 Please select the dates you attended the conference
Thursday, 5th September 2013 91
Friday, 6th September 2013 96
Saturday, 7th September 2013 91
3 Feedback 1
  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
The registration process was easy 0 0 9 58 66
The Conference content was relevant to clinical practice 0 2 10 70 51
The overall quality of presentations was good 0 2 8 71 52
The number of presentations per day was manageable 0 14 21 57 41
The food and catering arrangements were good 1 2 13 62 55
The conference offered good value for money 0 0 17 63 53
The conference was generally well organised 0 0 5 59 69
I was generally pleased and satisfied overall with the conference 0 0 5 61 67
4 How did you hear about the conference?
Left Blank 39
User entered value 94
Average submission length in words (ex blanks) 2.87
5 What did you find the most valuable in the conference?
Left Blank 45
User entered value 88
Average submission length in words (ex blanks) 5.20
6 Please offer some suggestions to improve the future conferences
Left Blank 77
User entered value 56
Average submission length in words (ex blanks) 7.45