Feedback 2017

Conference 2017 - Feedback and Certificate of Attendance

Q responses
1 Full Name
Left Blank 0
User entered value 174
Average submission length in words (ex blanks) 2.39
2 Please select the dates you attended the conference
Wednesday, 20 September 2017 97
Thursday, 21 September 2017 105
Friday, 22 September 2017 138
3 Feedback
  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
The Conference content was relevant to clinical practice 4 0 11 90 69
The registration process was easy 4 2 10 64 94
The overall quality of presentations was good 4 1 21 87 61
The conference had a good mix of science, social sciences and clinical practice 5 4 7 80 78
I believe having student competitions in the conference is likely to encourage students choosing psychiatry as a future career 4 0 9 70 91
The conference offered good value for money 5 6 30 74 59
The conference was generally well organised 3 4 15 78 74
The food and catering arrangements were good 4 2 19 67 82
I was generally pleased and satisfied overall with the conference 4 1 4 71 94
4 How did you hear about the conference?
Left Blank 44
User entered value 130
Average submission length in words (ex blanks) 3.55
5 Please offer some suggestions to improve the future conferences
Left Blank 101
User entered value 73
Average submission length in words (ex blanks) 8.81